This is where I will answer Questions people have.To ask a question Please visit the blog's Facebook page at PCOS Personally On Facebook

Questions Asked so Far

"what is PCOS?"

PCOS is many things. It is too many hairs on a woman, it is severe acne, it is excess weight, it is infertility.

The next question I normally get is "Then it is a skin condition right? "

No, PCOS is not a skin condition, it is so much more PCOS is a hormonal disorder associated with too many androgens ( male hormones) and Insulin resistance that affects one in 10 women. PCOS is devastating, especially in a society that is focused on looks. PCOS causes "deformities" in otherwise beautiful women. These deformities can involve too much hair, thinning of hair on the head, hair growing excessively, severe acne and lots of excess weight. More importantly PCOS is something that affects our mental health causing those of us with it to go into depression for a multitude of reasons whether it be because of how we look, how hard it is to lose weight or even how hard it is to get pregnant and give our significant other a baby. PCOS is not an easy thing to have, in fact for many women it is a battle every day of their life.

Often times after they understand that they go on to ask " How does PCOS affect you?"

That is the reason for this blog...to help people understand how PCOS affects me and to let others with PCOS know that they are not alone. I have a list of blogs I continuously read for support. to know I am not alone. My family either doesn't understand and are not trying to understand or just don't want to know about what is going on with me. Hence this blog. Are you someone who also has PCOS? Do you need support? Have questions? Feel free to contact me on my messengers or email me.