Sunday, February 27, 2011


Since I have started this blog, I started gathering articles and info to share with you all...I had it all tabbed and waiting to be blogged...then google decided to crash and when it asked me if I wanted to start fresh or restore...Blond 'ol me clicked new session Lovely....all the infos was gone.

I do remember some of it though. One of the things was about spearmint tea vs. peppermint tea. Spearmint tea is what I wanted to try to see if it helped with my insulin resistance and androgens in my body. However, spearmint is hella hard to find. I mean like hard hard. My sister did pick up some peppermint tea for me though. I am going to try that.

I didn't know if the peppermint tea would do the same type of thing or not. I did a little research. My research showed that the spearmint tea while lowering androgens can also raise estrogen, If I remember right estrogen is what helps keep fat on your body, not lost it YIKES!!! Well what does the peppermint do?

Peppermint is said to lower androgens while ALSO lowering estrogen. Hmmmm.....interesting..Maybe I should try that. So I am. People on some of the threads have said it doesn\t taste all that great but for me.. I love the taste. It tastes better than green tea to me anyway.

Another point I wanted to bring up was goal setting. A lot of people think of the scale when losing weight for goal setting/keeping. Which is great! its one way of measuring success, however, not the only way. Remember this. Goals can be, fitting into a pair of old jeans....having to get rid of a certain shirt, losing inches off your waist..whatever you choose. When choosing goals just make sure you are realistic. As long as you are realistic you will be sure to achieve it! For tips on setting goals visit the goal getting guide. I have a blog on goals a few posts back. I will revisit that blog probably tomorrow and see if I made the goals and reevaluate the ones I have set. Also, be sure to check out the PCOS resources section for links to forums, etc. I will also be posting a list of all the blogs I follow for support on that page soonish ;)

ciao for now,

Many loves to my cysters


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