Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So on a lot of the boards people are talking about spearmint tea and how it is helpful with PCOS. I thought I would buy some and try it myself.....easier said than done. There is not spearmint tea ANYWHERE in my local stores. Its like non existant. Someone else i know in souther uk said they dont have it either. This has now turned in to the great tea hunt. Rory in scotland, chris, chris' grandmother in england my friend in southern england, myself and my sister in california are all searching for the elusive spearmint tea. If it is so beneficial....why can't we find it?!?!?!

I also tried researching what other similar teas might do in case i just can't find spearmint tea.

I found articles stating that there is research that proves peppermint tea will also help with the exception that it doesn't raise estrogen levels. Also another article or three claiming that green tea can has some similar affects on women with pcos just not as much of an impact..if that makes sense. I currently drink green tea..except the shit my mother recently bought is crap
green tea isnt strong but this stuff is like tinted water
bleh. My search continues!!!


  1. Have you tried health food stores? Normal stores in the US carry Mint blends which are spearmint and peppermint. Finally found straight spearmint in a health food store.

  2. I did. I tried the ones in my area but we didn't have it. I went online to look but then I read about the differences between spearmint and peppermint...spearmint raises estrogen while peppermint lowers it. I decided to try the peppermint since I don't need any extra help from estrogen in putting weight on. LOL XD


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