Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 12 of 100 days 100%

Today is day 12 of 100 days. More than 10% done! WOOT! Kind of annoyed that the scale hasn't moved more than .4 since sunday though :\ Ok. So...since my weight isnt moving. I am going to track carbs and see if I am maybe eating too many of them. That might help!  Today is my 1500 cal day so I will need roughly 130-150 carbs. Though. I have a feeling I will get less than that. Hopefully my guestimate is right!

Breakfast: Eggs, cantaloupe (22.5) and toast (18) 284 (40.5)

Lunch: Half a chicken sandwich (18)  and broccoli 330

Total so far: 614 (58.5)

Snack: Popcorn (24) and milk  (12) 220 (36)

Total so far: 834 (94.5)

Dinner: Hamburger bake 600 (46)

Total for today: 1434 (140.5)


  1. have you tried tracking your sodium? Too much sodium leads to water retention. You should be having a MAXIMUM of 2500 mg a day. Once I started tracking it I started losing 2 pounds a week. sometimes more. I also drink a LOT of water. 10-16 glasses a day. Just a thought!

  2. I havn't actually no. Maybe I should try that. Hmmm. I don't think I have that much sodium though...but then again I didnt think I was eating that many calories when I ballooned to 300+ lbs either. Thanks for the tip!

  3. No problem. I didn't think I ate that much either, until I started tracking it and some days I was eating 6 to 7 THOUSAND mg of it! I now have it set to 2200 a day and rarely go over it.

  4. Yeah, sodium's bad lol. Are you doing any workouts? Exercise makes a huge difference with PCOS. I haven't worked out in a couple of months, but I've kept the same diet. I've stopped losing weight. And I wasn't working out a lot. It was usually a 1/2 mile walk around a pond at the park, or 15 min of yoga on my Wii.

  5. I just started Cosmetology college so I don't get to work out as much as I did (was doing it almost every day) but I have started doing a lot of strength training at home and a program called Butt Bible. I carry a lot of weight in my butt and thighs and so it is the perfect program for me to get a toned and smaller butt and nice thin thighs. I highly recommend it!

  6. I do work out and do calisthenics and walk/ bike I just don't do them as consistently as I could :\ I really need to I just..idk can't get with it I guess? It is also really hard when everyone is home all the time so it's hard to get things done. This coming term I will be taking ballroom dance, that should be fun!


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